Course Description
This course is designed to further students’ acting skills through the exploration of theatre for young audiences (also abbreviated as TYA). Students will conclude the course with a TYA production that will be performed on November 15th and 16th in the Cedar Ridge cafetorium and will then travel to the Round Rock ISD Performing Arts Center at the end of November to perform for Round Rock ISD third grade students during the school day.
Students will be required to bring the following to class:
· A composition notebook
· Pen or pencil
· Appropriate rehearsal and performance attire
· Student calendar
Production Scripts
Students will check out a script for the production that we will produce over the course of the semester. Students will be expected to return their script to the theatre department following the close of the show. If a student’s assigned script is misplaced or lost, they will be responsible for reimbursing Theatre at the Ridge for the cost of the script. Please do not write in pen or use highlighter in the borrowed script.
If a student would like to keep their script and add it to their theatre library, they may purchase a script through the theatre department. Students may purchase their script (usually between $7.50-$10.00 per script) via cash or check made payable to CRHS Theatre.
Students must be eligible in order to perform with the Children’s Theatre class. Students will need to adhere to the UIL eligibility standards and follow the Round Rock ISD grading policy. The expectation is students are to be organized, responsible, and successful in all of their course work at Cedar Ridge. Students will be responsible for turning in an eligibility form every three weeks to maintain their role in the production.
Rehearsal Attendance
Most rehearsals for the production will be held during class. Afterschool rehearsals will be held October 29th through 16th. Since our class time is limited, it is of the utmost importance that every cast member is in class for rehearsal every day. If a student is unable to make it to class due to an illness or an unforeseen circumstance, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the director via email or phone prior to the class period. If a student has a conflict with an afterschool rehearsal, he/she must receive approval from the director at least one week prior to the scheduled rehearsal. A student who is absent from class or an afterschool rehearsal and does not communicate with the director will receive an unexcused absence. An unexcused absence from rehearsal can result in a student being reassigned in the production based on the director’s discretion.
Grading Policy
Students’ grades will be based on four major components: daily participation, journals, projects and assessments, and performance critiques.
§ Daily Participation 40%
Students will earn a participation grade based on their involvement in class. Students will fill out a quick self-assessment at the end of each class period which will be combined with the instructor’s assessment to result in the student’s daily participation grade.
§ Journals 15%
Students will be required to respond to daily written journal question in their notebooks at the beginning of class. Questions will help synthesize information from previous class work as well as help guide future class work. Any additional assignments such as written character work will also be included in the journal grade. At the end of each class period, students will write a quick one minute response about the activities accomplished during class.
§ Projects and Assessments 30%
Project grades and assessments will be based on the student’s involvement with the production and their overall performance in the role that they are assigned.
§ Performance Critique 15%
Students are required to see one live theatrical performance per semester and turn in a play critique with their program to evaluate the production. A student’s play critique is due within one week after the date of the performance. Play critiques will be accepted no later than December 14th and May 22nd.
Syllabus is subject to changes at the discretion of the instructor.
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